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School Photos Featured Photo

School Photos

Artona is currently in the process of uploading our school photos online and they should be available by the end of the day. Any families that have scanned the QR code and logged in to view the images before they are finished uploading will receive an email letting them know they are now available to view. Families can visit: once the images are uploaded!
Orders placed by October 10th will be shipped to the school, free of charge, by October 24th!
Retakes are on November 8th.
Cross Country Race Spring Creek Featured Photo

Cross Country Race Spring Creek

Congratulations to our Mamquam Cross Country Running Team for their efforts in the first race of the season at Spring Creek Elementary last Tuesday October 1st. The next race is at Signal Hill Elementary on October 10th. Cross Country is open to students from grade 3-6. If your child has not signed up and is interested they can connect with Ms. O'Neill or Ms. Lock at school.
Terry Fox Run Update Featured Photo

Terry Fox Run Update

Thank you to all of the students that participated in the Terry Fox Kilometer Club and to all of the donations that we received! As a school we raised $2486! Way to go Mamquam!
Feeding Futures Hot Lunch Pilot is BACK! Featured Photo

Feeding Futures Hot Lunch Pilot is BACK!

Mamquam Elementary will be continuing to pilot a pay-what-you-can twice-weekly lunch program as part of the Feeding Futures Program on Wednesdays and Fridays.  
Ordering is now open for the Fall Session (October - December).  Wednesday’s lunch will alternate between sushi and teriyaki rice bowls and Monday’s lunch will be a variety of wraps, salads, cheesy pockets and bowls for the fall session.
The first lunch date is October 7th and the deadline to order for the first lunch date is this Thursday at 12pm. Orders will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis, with a weekly deadline of Thursday at 12pm for the next week.
Orange Shirt Day Featured Photo

Orange Shirt Day

Last week Mamquam Elementary students read "Be a Good Ancestor" with their classes. Students then created a small paper ornament related to the book, such as a paw print, feather, heart or butterfly and wrote a commitment on the back. These ornaments were hung on our tree mural in the hallway. Some classes choose a page or a theme from the book that spoke to them and created an art piece or poem that was shared at our Orange Shirt Assembly on Thursday September 26th. We had a very thoughtful whole school assembly to recognize the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Events Calendar

Principal's message

Mamquam Elementary School has a clear mission and some strong core values.  As a staff we see ourselves as a family.  We focus on the success of all students, and hold ourselves accountable for high excellence across the curriculum—in academics, athletics, fine arts and career programs.  We put our students first, and you can feel this when you walk into our building.  We are keenly aware that students learn best in a safe, secure and respectful environment supported by strong connections between school and community.
Perseverance, Purpose and Authenticity
We believe that we can only cultivate perseverance and determinations by building an environment/school culture where all students feel safe, respected, encouraged to take risks and try new things, and are intrinsically invested in their learning.   Further, we believe that students are intrinsically invested in authentic learning environments, where they see the purpose and reasoning for each learning intention, and are willing to enter into a framework for success.    It is our belief that working in this area will enable more students to move from meeting expectations to exceeding expectations in reading, writing and numeracy and all areas of their competency development.
Our Enduring Understandings as a staff:
* If we focus on common coherent curriculum and effective instructional strategies, then students will become creative and critical thinkers.

* If we work together to create common coherent curriculum that identifies and describes what developmentally appropriate creative and critical thinking learning outcomes are, then we will have a tool to help guide the planning of instruction and assessment of CCT outcomes

* If we continually develop the instructional expertise of our teachers, then teaching will be strengthened and all students will learn in deeper and more meaningful ways

* If we live a structure of reflective practice, then our instruction will improve over time
* If we live a structure of co-plan, observe, share feedback, reflect, co-plan and repeat then our instruction will improve over time
*If we embed Social Emotional Learning instructional strategies, students will become better critical and creative thinkers through social situations. Growth Mindset, Positive Behaviour Support, Self Reg Strategies, Zones of Regulation, Mindfulness...  
*If we develop a school wide authentic literacy and numeracy plan, students will improve reading, writing and oral language skills that provide an essential foundation to Creative and Critical Thinking skills

*If we use arts infusion as a strategy, students will be able to develop their creative and critical thinking skills through the arts. 
*If we measure creative and critical thinking outcomes, this will bring attention to those outcomes and help us understand how we are doing and what is next