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Joint Statement on Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools Featured Photo

Joint Statement on Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools

All of B.C.’s provincial education partners for K-12 schools, joined by Minister Rachna Singh, are standing together in solidarity to ensure every school is a place where all students feel welcome, included and respected in a safe learning environment while being fully and completely themselves. Read the Joint Statement on Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools by clicking on the headline.
2024/25 Sea to Sky School District Back to School Package Featured Photo

2024/25 Sea to Sky School District Back to School Package

We look forward to welcoming all students back to school on September 3, 2024. Please take a moment to explore the Back to School Package for the 2024/25 school year. It includes welcome messages from the Board Chair and the Superintendent of Schools, along with important information about our school district.
Looking for a family doctor or nurse practitioner? Featured Photo

Looking for a family doctor or nurse practitioner?

The Health Connect Registry is available across British Columbia to help you
find a local family doctor or nurse practitioner who can support your
everyday healthcare needs. You can register yourself, your family, and anyone in your care on the Health Connect Registry to get matched with a primary care provider. You can easily register online by clicking on the headline of the news story.
School Start Up 2024-2025 Featured Photo

School Start Up 2024-2025

This year, our first day of school is on Tuesday, September 3rd , 2024. If your child will not be attending that day please email Jenny at [email protected].
All grades 1-6 students will attend from 8:48am to 10am on Tuesday. Our new Kindergarteners do not come on that day (More details about Kindergarten start-up will be sent to Kindergarten families in a separate email).

On the first day of school, students are to go to the same teacher/classroom that they were with last year.

All new students will go to the Library, where a staff member will greet them and take them to an assigned classroom to connect with their same age/grade peers.

Wednesday September 4th- Friday September 6th
For the rest of this week students will stay in these classrooms. Staff have planned a variety of community building and learning activities, where students will get to re-connect and learn with their classmates from last year. This promises to be a fun and engaging welcome to the school year!

Staff will be working outside the school day during the first few days to plan the class configuration and class lists. We plan to have students in their new homeroom classes for the 2024-2025 school year by the end of the first week (likely end of the day on Friday). This is a structured process and takes considerable time and energy to ensure we have built classrooms that are balanced and will work in a cohesive manner.

Our usual registration process for new students is currently closed. During this time, families can fill out the webform and then make an appointment to finalize registration when the school re-opens on August 26th. Call Jenny at 604-898-3601. The webform acts as a placeholder and will be time and date stamped. The web registration form can be accessed at

Please note school supplies (materials used throughout the year) can be purchased trough the school in September at a discounted bulk order price of $50 per student. Students in grade 3-6 will also be supplied an agenda for $8.

Events Calendar

Principal's message

Mamquam Elementary School has a clear mission and some strong core values.  As a staff we see ourselves as a family.  We focus on the success of all students, and hold ourselves accountable for high excellence across the curriculum—in academics, athletics, fine arts and career programs.  We put our students first, and you can feel this when you walk into our building.  We are keenly aware that students learn best in a safe, secure and respectful environment supported by strong connections between school and community.
Perseverance, Purpose and Authenticity
We believe that we can only cultivate perseverance and determinations by building an environment/school culture where all students feel safe, respected, encouraged to take risks and try new things, and are intrinsically invested in their learning.   Further, we believe that students are intrinsically invested in authentic learning environments, where they see the purpose and reasoning for each learning intention, and are willing to enter into a framework for success.    It is our belief that working in this area will enable more students to move from meeting expectations to exceeding expectations in reading, writing and numeracy and all areas of their competency development.
Our Enduring Understandings as a staff:
* If we focus on common coherent curriculum and effective instructional strategies, then students will become creative and critical thinkers.

* If we work together to create common coherent curriculum that identifies and describes what developmentally appropriate creative and critical thinking learning outcomes are, then we will have a tool to help guide the planning of instruction and assessment of CCT outcomes

* If we continually develop the instructional expertise of our teachers, then teaching will be strengthened and all students will learn in deeper and more meaningful ways

* If we live a structure of reflective practice, then our instruction will improve over time
* If we live a structure of co-plan, observe, share feedback, reflect, co-plan and repeat then our instruction will improve over time
*If we embed Social Emotional Learning instructional strategies, students will become better critical and creative thinkers through social situations. Growth Mindset, Positive Behaviour Support, Self Reg Strategies, Zones of Regulation, Mindfulness...  
*If we develop a school wide authentic literacy and numeracy plan, students will improve reading, writing and oral language skills that provide an essential foundation to Creative and Critical Thinking skills

*If we use arts infusion as a strategy, students will be able to develop their creative and critical thinking skills through the arts. 
*If we measure creative and critical thinking outcomes, this will bring attention to those outcomes and help us understand how we are doing and what is next