Code of Conduct
Mamquam Elementary School
Code of Conduct
We, the school community of Mamquam Elementary, are honoured to be learning on the traditional territory of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh People
We promote diversity in a safe, encouraging, and healthy environment.
A) Purpose
1) To offer the students the right to learn
2) To ensure that each member of the school community creates a school climate that is safe, caring, and orderly for learning.
3) To guide students towards accepting responsibility for their actions, applying self-control, and developing conflict resolution skills.
4) To establish a school-wide approach to discipline that is founded on our belief that discipline builds upon students’ strengths, improves self-confidence, and encourages independence.
5) Addresses prohibited grounds of discrimination as set out in the B.C. Human Rights Code.
The Human Rights Code states the following: “The prohibition of discrimination on the basis of an individual’s or a group’s race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression or age.”
B) Conduct Expectations
Application: Conduct expectations apply at school, at school-related activities, while attending any school function at any location and in other circumstances where conduct impacts the school environment.
Acceptable Behaviour:
1) Respect yourself and others
2) Be kind and caring to others
3) Treat others, their belongings and our school property with care
4) Walk quietly, safely and orderly to and from all activities
5) Play safely and obey playground supervisors
6) Be cooperative; listen and follow directions
7) Be honest about mistakes and take responsibility for your actions, restore any harm
8) Take the initiative to make our school clean, safe and inviting
9) Keep your electronic devices at home or in a backpack
Unacceptable Behavior:
1) Interference with the learning of others
2) Interference with an orderly environment
3) Littering
4) Actions that are unsafe or create unsafe conditions
5) Name-calling, bullying, harassment or intimidation
6) Inappropriate language
7) Challenging authority and/or showing disrespect
8) Physical violence
9) Retribution against an individual who has reported incidents
10) Illegal acts including but not limited to:
Possession, use, and distribution of illegal or restricted substances
Possession or use of firecrackers
Possession or use of a weapon
Vandalism or damage to property
Incident and Resolution:
1) Tell the other student to stop the specific behaviour. Ensure the other student knows exactly what you find unpleasant.
2) If the behaviour continues, say, “I have asked you not to bother me. If you don’t stop now, I will have to report you to an adult.”
3) If the behaviour continues, walk away. Find an adult and report the problem and what steps you took to resolve the problem. The adult will then take the lead.
C) Violation of the School Code of Conduct
Application: The severity and frequency of unacceptable conduct, as well as the age, maturity and special needs of a student, will be considered in determining the appropriate disciplinary action.
Whenever possible incidents will be resolved by restorative and supportive practices such as:
Class conference/meeting
Mentoring program/asset building
Mediation/conflict resolution
Family Group conference/Elder Circles/Restorative Circle process
School-based team involvement
Counselling (in school or referral)
Collaborative Problem Solving
Social Skills training
Reflection time
Teaching and reinforcing social responsibility and pro-social behaviours are more effective in establishing and maintaining high discipline standards than punishing students for inappropriate behaviour. The school will make every effort to support the student by determining the root cause of the behaviour and respond accordingly.
In some situations, the Principal or his/her designate may deem that a student needs to be temporarily separated from their peers in order for them to calm down, or their presence will cause other students will be distracted from their learning following an incident. In these situations, the Principal may contact the parent to come and pick up the child for the rest of the day if that is possible. In some extreme and rare cases, the Principal or designate may deem that they need to immediately apply School Board Policy #5135 and a student may be suspended from school for 1 to 5 days, or beyond that, suspended pending a School Board hearing.
D) Use of Electronic Devices
Application: Conduct expectations apply at school, at school-related activities, while attending any school function at any location and in other circumstances where conduct impacts the school environment
Regular School Days:
1) Personal use of electronic devices is limited to outside the school buildings, prior to the morning school bell and after class dismissal
School Related Functions:
1) Personal use of electronic devices is prohibited. Under special circumstances, teachers may exercise discretion where appropriate.
1) Inappropriate use of electronics, including but not limited to breaches of privacy, will be subject to the discipline and consequences procedures outlined in the school Code of Conduct
Lost, Stolen or Damaged Devices:
1) Any person who brings electronics to school is responsible for the safekeeping of such appliances
2) The school holds no responsibility in the event of lost, stolen or damaged devices
E) Dress Code
Students, staff and parents are expected to support a learning environment where attire is appropriate for the weather, allow freedom of movement, and not contain offensive printing or pictures. Clothing needs to be modest as not to district from the learning environment, Students who wear clothing that is too revealing or offensive will be discreetly asked to cover up.
F) Code of Conduct Sharing Process
Each year, the Code of Conduct is to be distributed to our staff, students and parents at the start of the year. It is to be provided and/or reviewed as a part of every new registration and/or intake process for new students and their parents and/or guardians as a part of the intake process. It is to be provided to our new staff members, temporary staff members, visitors and those acting as ambassadors for our schools, including volunteers, coaches, parents and other community members. The Code of Conduct is also to be displayed in the schools in front entrances, and on our school website.
The Code of Conduct is to be reviewed face-to-face a minimum of two times per year with our students by our Principal or designate, during the first two weeks of school and near the start of Term 3.
The Code of Conduct is to be reviewed face-to-face with parents by the Principal or designated at our first PAC meeting and with staff at our first staff meeting of each school year.
The Code of Conduct “Acceptable Conduct” expectations are to be consistently taught and actively promoted by all members of our school community.
G) Code of Conduct Review Process
Each year, near the end of Term 2, the Code of Conduct consultation review process will occur. Staff, students and parents will be consulted and any changes will be approved by the Principal. Once approved, the Code of Conduct will be set for the following school year.
This Code of Conduct is to be reviewed to ensure it reflects current and emerging situations and are contributing to school safety.
This Code of Conduct is to be reviewed and improved in light of evidence gathered and/or relevant research.
The Code of Conduct is to be reviewed to ensure it is compatible with BC Ministry of Education Standards, SD48 Sea to Sky School District Policy, and with other schools in the community and across elementary, middle and secondary levels.