MQE COVID-19 Information » MQE COVID-19 Information

MQE COVID-19 Information

This area of the website is dedicated to sharing all up-to-date information surrounding COVID-19 and school start-up at Mamquam Elementary:
On March 17, 2020 the Provincial Health Officer (PHO) identified a pandemic risk to the province and declared a public health emergency and a provincial state of emergency related to the international spread of the Coronavirus-2019. The Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the PHO, has directed school districts to “begin the new school year with the goal to maximize in-class instruction for all students” under Stage 2 of the K-12 Education Restart Plan by “implementing a comprehensive suite of COVID-19 safety measures” and maintaining these foundational principles:
  • Maintain a healthy and safe environment for all students, families and staff.
  • Provide the services needed to support the children of our essential workers (ESWs).
  • Support vulnerable students who may need special assistance.
  • Provide continuity of educational opportunity for all students.
 Further details of these directions can be found here: