Our PAC is a great way to keep up with what is going on in our school and offers opportunities to get involved.  As parents in our school, you are automatically part of our PAC group.  There are many small ways in which you can help your classroom or the whole school. Come to a meeting and see “what’s up”!

We represent all the families of Mamquam School.  Our purpose is to build a positive school community and encourage families to get involved with this community and their child’s education.  We hold regular meetings in the evening every month.  We also plan events and fundraise for needed equipment for our school.  We are also you voice and are happy to address any issues or concerns at our meetings to better communicate between families and staff/administration.

If you are looking to get involved by helping with any activity, please contact any Executive member – they can lead you in the right direction!

Please join us on Facebook at “Mamquam Parent Advisory Group” or email: [email protected]

Our Parent Advisory Executive:

Co-Chairs – Shannon Hooper and Kristin Hierck
DPAC Rep – Minna Koskela-Wild
Treasurer - Conny Bonthron
Secretary - Stephanie Cascanette